“I encourage anyone who has a problem with alcohol and substance abuse, with anger or depression or any other spiritual issues to come to one of these centers and allow God to do His miraculous work. It’s worth it. Jesus made your life worth it.”
Vlad K. (LCC Alumni)
“My husband is serving God to this day with great love and humility. God now uses him to be an example to many others.”
Nadia T. (Wife of LCC Alumni)
“God freed me from drug addictions, slowly transforming my mind and the way I live my life. And the biggest miracle is the way He’s changing my heart. Throughout this time I witnessed how faithful He’s been to me; even though I wasn’t constant His faithfulness still triumphed over my unfaithfulness. He’s given me the light of salvation! Praise God!"
Victor (LCC Alumni)
“I realized this life is not my own. It belongs to Jesus now.”
Yana (LCC Alumni)
“He has healed my wounds, broken chains and filled me with His love and joy that I never knew before. He transformed my heart and gave me compassion for women struggling with brokenness that seems unrepairable.”
Kristina (LCC Graduate)
“I went through the Life Change Centers Program... walking a thin line between life and death, and all my bridges were burnt with family and friends. I told my mom I would always be a drug addict. But God had a different plan. Today I am free, happy, I wake up to Glorify God. I Met Christ who healed me, freed me, set me on solid ground. My relationship with family is restored. I have a job and earn an honest living. I'm not sure that I can ask for anything differently.”
Tim (LCC Alumni)